Saturday, November 28, 2009

no pics :( no blogging

Happy Holidays everyone!
Thanksgiving official kicked it off, the season of holidays. I've been just overwhelmed with doll orders and on top of that, my hard drive that holds all of my photos, including those of my sewing is out of order!!
I'm sure my data is in there but I haven't had time to figure out why my computer cannot pick up it's contents.
If by any chance, I lose my photos on there, my worst nightmare will come true, the one thing of material that I treasure will be lost, my photos. My precious photos of my children from birth to present and precious photos of my family. I thought if I got a separate hard drive to hold all of my most valuable possessions, I'd be safe in case of a fire or earthquake, I could just grab it and not worry but what do you know...nothing stands safe in the world of technology.
well...I think my fear is delaying my taking it to a better qualified person to fix this problem so I'm just sewing away for now.
Hope every one's having a great beginning of 2009's holiday season!


Melis said...

Don't despair! We had a lap-top with all of my son's baby pictures on it and the motherboard went out, so we had a computer store transfer the data to another laptop and THAT one had a hard-drive crash. If you take it in to a computer fix-it store (check in the phonebook!) it should only cost you about $40 or $50 to have them pull the data and transfer it to another form of media... it might not be a lost cause!