Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gracie and the Lil Man and matching onesies

My latest additions to my lovies shop are finally here for viewing.

I tend to make lovies out of children in my life which seems like something many crafting mothers do. It's a sweet process. :)
Gracie is the sweetest girl and the daughter of one of my friends. She has the most awesome personality which is why she is requested for play dates quite often. When she was a baby, she used to get into so many accidents causing her to go to the ER more than any of her siblings. well turned out that her eye sight was the cause of those accidents so at such a young age she had to start wearing glasses. She was so self conscious of them even though she chose her cute pink frames but soon as everyone kept complimenting them, she grew out of that insecurity and is doing beautifully with them.
Then, I was going through my son's old clothes and found all these cute ties that I loved putting on him at weddings or at church. I loved making him my little man so I created one to last forever.
Then, I finally got to doing matching onesies that I've been wanting to make for the longest time. I'll probably list them as a gift set and not as individual item but of course I'm open to that as well. These items will soon be in the shop (probably by tonight or tomorrow). Just ready for the holidays.
PS. for those of you that have been waiting for this, so sorry for the delay.
Thanks for looking!!
lovies :)


Reynolds11103 said...

Love!! My oldest wears glasses, so I am always partial to anything with glasses...she is darling!!! I will check them out in your shop!!